In Genesis 3, the devil lured Eve into eating from the tree of knowledge with an offer to satisfy something that God hadn't offered her and Adam. Strangely, in the garden of Eden we find no attempt to eat from the tree of life which was what they really needed. In essence, the lust of any kind has an unusual power to destroy corresponding genuine longings and desires. It takes over with a counterfeit. The person starts looking for the forbidden to replace the original design. The consequence is an increased intensity of the twisted desire and loss of connection from the bona-fide ones. Let us look at some examples : Adultery destroys the marital relationship (Proverbs 7:26, John 4:17). Idolatry destroys true worship (Exodus 20:5). Anger destroys vigour and passion (Proverbs 16:32). Judging destroys compassion. (Luke 7:39). Aprobation destroys the sense of self respect. Greed destroys stewardship. Slothfulness destroys vision (Proverbs 15:19, 2 Thessalonians 3:11). Things done in secret lust affect our public life (Matthew 5:8). Seemingly minor lusts lead to major consequences. Occassional lustful indulgences produce stubborn habits. Lustful smartness ends up producing dullness of character (Proverbs 23:21). And the list goes on..... How do we work our way through? God has provided a way of escape for every temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13). The escape route must be easy enough. To the Ephesians church in Revelation 2:5, the antidote is prescribed by Jesus Himself. They had lost their first love; the ordained love, the original love, the omni love. God tells them to do the first works. The very desires that the lust destroys are the very desires that ought to be indulged into. We can avenge lust with God given weapons through the inward working of the Holy Spirit. We may indulge spiritually. For a man who is anxious, the advise is to think on 'these' things (Philiapians 4:8). Man gripped in adultery should go and love his wife in faith. The greedy person should start giving more. The angry person should learn to go to his adversary quickly and repent. The idolatrous should turn to the One true and living God. The selfish should go ahead and make some sacrifices. The insecure, fearful person can decide to love and pray for his enemies. The failed should start shouting the victory song. This list also goes on.... The old man can be put off while the new man is being put on through the redemption that is in Christ. There is a new highway of holiness freely opened to us. Through the narrow gate. In a new life of fresh longings.
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